HFE is your local source for electronic stuff.
We have:
Capacitors, Circuit Boards, Coils and Inductors, Connectors, Fans, LEDs, Power Cords, Power
Supplies, Resistors, Solder Equipment, Test clips, Batteries, Cables, Computers, Routers,
Printers, Transformers... and more!
We have hard-to-find or discontinued items and knowledgeable staff to help you. Whether you're new here or you've been a regular for years, stop by and see what we have to offer - new stock is arriving! As always, we appreciate your business!
To reach us, you can call or fax using the numbers at the top of the page. You can also e-mail us through the e-mail form (link removed). For a map to our store, just click the address at the top of the page!